Latest News
Trade Test environment Outage
An outage in the Trade Test environment is planned for the implementation of...
US-China Trade Tensions
Steptoe International Trade Law Advisory hve issued the following update on US-China Trade Tensions...
CDS Trade Test Service Notification
The CDS Trade Test service is currently experiencing an issue affecting Notifications.
CLECAT newsletter
This week’s CLECAT newsletter includes news and upcoming meetings. Workshop on High Capacity...
EU Exit Business Readiness
The next EU Exit Business Readiness Forum will take place on Thursday 16...
HMRC Developer Sandbox Partial Outage
HMRC are currently experiencing issues with the Developer sandbox environment.
11 (05) Additional duty on goods from USA
Since May 2005, additional custom duties have been applied on the import of...
EU Exit Business Readiness Forum
The EU Exit Business Readiness Forum on the 16th May at 2:15pm is still...
Trade Test Outage
The next Trade Test environment outage, for the implementation of the next Trade...
ACITA National Meeting April 30th 2019
Welcome and Introduction Des Hiscock, ACITA Director General BREXIT Means Brexit – But...
Box 21 (Transport Nationality)
Box 21 (Transport Nationality) will be optional when Box 25 (Transport Mode)...
CDS Updates
The CDS 03 Declaration Submission Service Design Imports and CDS 10 End to...