“HMRC are offering the ACITA membership a series of in-depth sessions on CDS. The courses they are providing were written by and will be delivered by HMRC on the Microsoft Teams platform.”
Dates: 08 October, 14, October, 15 October and 20 October 2020
Times: 10 AM 1 PM ( 3 hours with Q & A)
There will be Seven (7) Modules listed below spread over four days (4)
Module 1: Navigating the CDS Volume 3 Tariff
Module 2: Declaration Categories
Module 3: Data Elements
Module 4: Procedure and Additional Procedure Codes
Module 5: Additional Information (AI) Codes
Module 6: Document Codes and Waivers
Module 7: How to complete a CDS declaration
Please note this is only open to Acita Members
Please email me at admin@acita.org to secure and register your place